Thursday, June 28, 2007

Women & Chocolate

Sinful is how women has always described chocolate. But despite so, do you know that 99% of all women love chocolate and that they may actually prefer chocolate more to than to sex?
What exactly about chocolate is it so wonderful? Well, in fact it is not just the women who love it but almost everybody would love it too. I believe you enjoy chocolate just as much? It always feels so nice to have it melted in your mouth, delivering its wonderful taste right through your tongue, doesn’t it?
Well its wonderful taste aside, chocolate contains phenylethylamine - the same chemical that is released in your brain when you fall in love; leading to that increase in the pounding of your heart, feeling of a sudden gush of excitement. “Love Chemical” is what some would call it. It is also believed by researcher that phenylethylamine in turn causes the brain to release mesolimbic dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain, another chemical where its presence is at peak during an orgasm.
Nevertheless, the sweetness from chocolate also triggers the release of endorphins. Think about those blissful feeling you had after a wonderful session of lovemaking. That is the effect from the production of endorphins in your body. Perhaps that is why some women actually remarked that they felt a feeling of elation when eating chocolate.
Well, a perfect gift for your love, chocolate will be. Just like buying roses during Valentine’s Day, chocolate can never go wrong. In fact, the both could be the best combination ever. Do you know that roses also contain the “Love Chemical”, Phenylethylamine? That explains for its distinct scent.
Giving of chocolate, as gifts of love has been long popular in Japan since the late 1950s. A bit different though; during Valentine’s Day, the ones doing the giving are the women instead and usually, chocolates were sent as gifts to confess their love for that special guy. Heart-shaped chocolates would usually be given. To nevertheless balance out this unique custom, “White Day” was later invented in Japan. On 14th of March it falls, one month after Valentine’s Day exactly. During this day, guys who received the chocolate will be given the chance to reciprocate their valentine gifts with soft, fluffy marshmallows. This would be the happiest day for girls who receive their fluffy gifts. Isn’t it so lovely?
Well, giving of chocolate as a gift of love has today, definitely become more and more popular. Along with the greeting card, your message of love will be delivered. Filled with your most genuine love, each chocolate will contain. Melting one’s heart as they melt in the mouth, warming up their heart as sweetness run through their tongue.

The History Of Chocolate

Ever wonder how this favorite dessert and ingredient for baked goods came about? What about the famous chocolate chip?
Our love of chocolate started back in 1828 when a dutch chemist Johannes Van Houten came up with a way of separating the fat (cocoa butter) from the ground cocoa beans. This provided cocoa powder which tasted a lot better than the whole bean. Soon enough people were coming up with ways to mix the powder with milk and make chocolate bars and the first bar (swiss of course) was sold in 1875.
Chocolate comes from the cocoa bean. These seeds are found in pods that grow on the trunk and lower branches of the cacao tree. This tree is native to the Amazon and Brazil but is cultivated in many tropical climates today. The pods take about 6 months to develop and cocoa can be harvested about twice a year.
Now that you know where it comes from, you might be wondering how chocolage ends up as a candy bar. First the pods are harvested, fermented and dried. (gourmet chocolates use coca that is dried using a natural process that takes 7 days, the mass produced chocolate is not and the difference is in the taste!). The powder is pressed to extract the cocoa butter then it is blended back together with other ingredients to make the chooclate. Other ingredients include sugar and cocoa liquor. If the desired result is milk or white chocolate, milk or milk powder are also added.
Today, we have 3 basic types of chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and dark chocolate. Each is made with slightly different ingredients but the most important ingredient is the cocoa powder. If you have ever eaten gourmet chocolates, you will notice the difference in taste than that of a regular candy bar and this is because the mass produced chocolate contains little cocoa solids. In fact mass produced chocolate is made with inferior ingredients and the experience of eating it can not be compared to that of fine gourmet chocolates – they cost more but are well worth the money!
One favorite use of chocolate is the chocolate chip which can be used in anything from cookies to brownies or eaten as is! The chocolate chip has an interesting history which dates back to 1930 when it was "invented" for use in toll house cookies by Ruth Wakefield. Wakefield was the owner of The Toll House Inn in Whitman Massachusetts and baked the meals for the guests herself. She was quite renowned for her cookies and one day while she was baking, a missing ingredient forced her to substitute broken up semi sweet chocolate bars for bakers chocolate. The result was chocolate chip cookies!
Once the cookies were invented, they became so popular that it was only a matter of time before the chocolate chip as a product was born. You see, the bar that Wakefield used as a substitute was given to her by Andrew Nestle and he struck a deal with her to print the recipe on the back of the package in return for a lifetime supply of Nestle chocolate!
But it wasn't until 1939 that the chips were packaged as we know them. Prior to that Nestles printed the recipe on the package of the bars and even included a little chopper so that people could use them to make the cookies easily


My love is a Chocolate. I love A color and test and everything of chocolate.I can say chocolate is my life.And my lovely Love chocolate too.

The relationship between Dream and Chocolate.

To dream of chocolate, denotes you will provide abundantly for those who are dependent on you. To see chocolate candy, indicates agreeable companions and employments. If sour, illness or other disappointments will follow. To drink chocolate, foretells you will prosper after a short period of unfavorable reverses.

If the dream is positive—such as enjoying some chocolates with a friend or lover—then this is a symbol for happiness and contentment. If, however, you dream of a stomachache or toothache resulting from eating chocolate, you need to curb overindulgence in foods of any kind.

Dream Interpretation Chocolate
Chocolate stands for temptation, vitality and good health. If you are giving a chocolate gift to somebody, it means that you would like somebody to be your friend. Seeing chocolate in the dream could also mean that you are literally dependent on food and need to stop eating much. Receiving chocolate as a gift indicates that soon you will gain a good and reliable friend.

Welcome to Muchi Muchi Room

My name is Matee You can call me PE and Im a ABAC Student . When I had some problem I love to write in my File and I say everything. Or maybe I had a feel Happy I love to write it.

Welcome to my Life.